Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What am I supposed to do this year?

There's the million dollar question. Concern for my health and desire to live a very long time cause me to hold back from jobs that might literally kill me. I'm trusting that if I hold a space open for the information to come, I will "intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle" me. One the one hand, that is very irresponsible in light of our current financial situation and income needs that are on the near horizon. On the other hand, I would like to be certain that what I'm doing is in alignment with the best use of my limited life and small knowledge.

I've just been working with a business name and designed a business card. Maybe that will prime the pump of creativity and help bring more ideas to the surface. I have to admit that this is very exciting as well as daunting. I've put out the question to the editor of Mandala magazine re: what are their submission requirements and are there themes selected for upcoming issues that I could work with.

A few days ago I saw 25 folding chairs listed on freecycle and immediately wrote to see if they were taken. Now there are lots of chairs available for when Phagyab Rinpoche can make it here to teach. I'm coming close to completing my Reiki master training. I've begun re-thinking my dissertation and actually writing towards that end. It feels as if I will be contributing to household finances soon and can look at paying off a lot of people and institutions.

Radical compassion as a path to healing--can it be done, at least done by me? Just the phrase has the potential to spark extremes.

Radical can be associated with images of violent events; compassion feels as soft as a kitten's tummy. How can hard and soft be joined?

Well, I can only hope that this long strange trip will continue for a very long time. Maybe then I will figure some of this out!

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